The Simple Teachers...
If you are living in Delhi, and you have not been adventurous enough to try commuting in a DTC bus, then my friend you are missing something right out of the books of daredevil Evel Knievel, the DTC is a great teacher, how so? well in the next few lines i shall endeavour to explain how the toughest concepts in HR can be taught by standing in a crowded 778. When i started MHROD, i was on a daily basis using the metro, which was uncomfortable, full of rash and unruly people, a long ways off from my college and my home, and which in general was a pain in the ass, so one day I decided with information gleaned from Nandini, to use a DTC bus from the Univ. to my home, now this may seem like a mundane change to the ordinary reader but to those who know me shall recognize how this change of routine has affected me. Strangely that day i did not get a single DTC, and let me tell you i'm no novice at negotiating through the blue lines of the world, so into a blue line i went. The journey itse...