
Showing posts from April, 2011

The Simple Teachers...

If you are living in Delhi, and you have not been adventurous enough to try commuting in a DTC bus, then my friend you are missing something right out of the books of daredevil Evel Knievel, the DTC is a great teacher, how so? well in the next few lines i shall endeavour to explain how the toughest concepts in HR can be taught by standing in a crowded 778. When i started MHROD, i was on a daily basis using the metro, which was uncomfortable, full of rash and unruly people, a long ways off from my college and my home, and which in general was a pain in the ass, so one day I decided with information gleaned from Nandini, to use a DTC bus from the Univ. to my home, now this may seem like a mundane change to the ordinary reader but to those who know me shall recognize how this change of routine has affected me. Strangely that day i did not get a single DTC, and let me tell you i'm no novice at negotiating through the blue lines of the world, so into a blue line i went. The journey itse...

Context is decisive...

There are a lot of times in your life, that feel like nothing can go wrong, the hits just keep on coming one after the other, there is just no dearth of successes , now here i've seen 2 types of people One, Those who can't believe their luck and go with the flow, making hay while the sun shines brilliantly on their lives, just raking in the moolah while its coming Second, Those who are highly suspicious of this purple patch, those who firmly believe that their life is such a complete unending tragedy that they constantly search for the shadow in the sunlight, start to second guess all of their decisions, start to expect and dread the fall when it comes; Now these 2 POV's are very common, my inference being that life is a cos curve rather than a sine curve, I believe we don't start at 0 and then go on a high, but rather we start at the high and then subsequently we start tasting the lows and as we slide to absolute rock bottom, we recognize those dizzy peaks we were at, ...