Turning Point

Today, well yesterday (after a quick peek at the bottom right of the screen) i was in a deep conversation with that bugger (Arijit Chakraborty: Auri), and we were talking about all the new stuff that is happening around us, while going medieval on 1 chicken burra, 1 chicken roll, 1 mutton roll, 1/2 a plate of Kadhai Chicken and a few tandoori rotis (the only reason for my listing our menu is that we can EAT), the next batch coming in has caused a major upheaval in our lives and all of my intent in showing them that they are in a professional B-School has sublimated faster than sodium (or does it spontaneously combust???), they have spectacularly smashed all of my expectations and not in a good way...but bitching about them will come in a newer post...
This time as i was filling my stomach, i was getting something off my chest too, and i have realised that Richa Bigghe is my favourite, whatever said, period. The knowledge that this has brought me is that sometimes our relationships ...