Matar Paneer

The titile of this particular blog post is symbolic rather than about a delicious vegetarian treat, the symbolism of matar paneer is financial security and risk, but lets start at the very beginning of the thought, what is matar paneer, why is it important and why oh why do we love its taste. The answer is very simple, it starts with our society and more importantly marriage. As a modern indian man (i consider myself so) there is still a very high possibility of my marriage being arranged by my parents and their relatives and people of x,y,z standing in various friendships with my parents and their relatives, and thus is the origin of such a business deal, and lets not romanticise the indian arranged marriage, it IS a business deal where both parties negotiate and search to get the best deal for their offspring. The girl is expected to be beautiful, fair, dutiful, fair, religious, fair, loving, nurturing, fair and must have an aversion to jeans and other such western outfits and did...