Rage against the LOL, LAUL, LAWL, LOLWA

Today in conversations with friends, ok...with friend, we spoke about the concept of LOL or HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH or HEHEHEHEHEH or ROFLMAO and other such text expressions that are used to signify gales of laughter emanating from the receiver at something extremely witty or humourous that was sent by the sender. Now, usually it is a cut and dry thing, but because of my extremely keen powers of observation I have noticed that these expressions are not usually accompanied by the laughter that is being texted back. What is really being texted back is the appropriate response to what was said and this is the common decency of texting, at least what I see in my style and those who text to me...cause let's face it, I’m not the wittiest guy in the world. But this brings me to another question, how has texting and technology changed us in general? Has it made us colder? More distant? Has it reduced our ability to make new friends? What i thought was, and i could be compl...