
Showing posts from 2016

The Moon lake

14-Oct and touching down at IGI Airport was a bitter landing. Leaving Bangalore was one of the most heart rending decisions that I had to take. More on that some other time. Touching down, i brought with me the baggage of 4 and a half years and a few bedbugs. There was the usual "bhasad" of getting down and reaching home with the relief on my mother's face the only consolation. For her it was the return of the prodigal son, albeit without the repentance. But it was a false homecoming because Aayush Jain, that purveyor of outrageous ideas - speaker of mad things - overall slightly left of center, had made a huge plan in anticipation of Raghvi's wedding. A road trip of epic proportions and something that i had not yet undertaken. The trip pushed our boundaries till their breaking point, adverse climes, different dynamics but a sense of adventure overrode them all. Day 0 - 11:45 pm. I reached in significant discomfort of not having slept for close to 36 hours and ...