The Delusion of Eloquence: Agley Mod pe Maut Khadi Hai, Marne ki bhi kya jaldi hai V.22

The 13th in the series, wow, 13 years of writing this year after year. It feels a little giddy. Welcome to my yearly birthday blog, which is usually not published on my birthday. This year i promise not to speak about social media, how friendships have gone away, tragedies et cetera. This year i'll try to write a little bit more about what was great. 2022 was a buffer year, a buffer between COVID and normalcy. Early on in the year COVID's omicron variant wrecked havoc. I finally caught it, the missus gave it to me, but it was an easier hit than the delta variant a year before. The after effects were not something to look down upon and I spent a week in a haze. Brain fog if you must. (Shit man, can't keep a promise. Can I?) How did I get COVID? that in itself is a nice story, It was Baba. My dear friend Mathis got married this year (congratulations to her and YC) and her nuptials were in Goa (a destination wedding you see). So, naturally baba said "Pehle 2-3 din enjoy k...