
Showing posts from July, 2009


The title is a reference to the Japanese program gera babu is undergoing, and because this particular article is being written for his blog, or to be a little more specific, one of his blogs devoted to the budding talents of his friends, now I will not endeavor to say that I’m one of his best friends but he is one of my favorite seniors and a person who I admire as well as despise. There are some of his habits that just drives me insane and gera babu that includes you dissing Delhi whenever you can, but I really love his style man he is one energizer battery. Now, this is starting to sound like a testimonial so I shall turn to the job really at hand that is writing something meaningful in his blog. I’m a conflicted person, not in the emotional sense but in a creative sense, both serious and frivolous topics hold equal sway over me. That I tend to find misery in the best of situations and comedy in the most dour of instances. I would like to start this, hopefully long lasting, fruitful ...

The memories of nobody...

This is the article i wrote for my college yearbook "Alvida" and it was so long that i had to cut it short but here is the full version and as one end is another beginning so why don't i start with an end and signify a beginning, so here goes . This title has been stolen, thank you very much. My purpose for writing this article is very convoluted and vague, be sure it will not be a tribute to my 4 years in college and surely it won’t be a glorified remembrance of what happened and what our future’s hold. I’m sure that many will attempt and will write on this subject in this very magazine. Trust me; I don’t think any less of their work just because I don’t write about it. Hmmmm, now to the subject matter, I ripped off this title because I think it is very apt for our time here at JUIT or at least for those who don’t have a special one with them, because I believe that our time here is a memory, a memory as short and transient as a grain of sand that the wind has blown with...