The memories of nobody...

This is the article i wrote for my college yearbook "Alvida" and it was so long that i had to cut it short but here is the full version and as one end is another beginning so why don't i start with an end and signify a beginning, so here goes.

This title has been stolen, thank you very much. My purpose for writing this article is very convoluted and vague, be sure it will not be a tribute to my 4 years in college and surely it won’t be a glorified remembrance of what happened and what our future’s hold. I’m sure that many will attempt and will write on this subject in this very magazine. Trust me; I don’t think any less of their work just because I don’t write about it. Hmmmm, now to the subject matter, I ripped off this title because I think it is very apt for our time here at JUIT or at least for those who don’t have a special one with them, because I believe that our time here is a memory, a memory as short and transient as a grain of sand that the wind has blown with itself. Our time here depends on what we are feeling at that point of time, example: when there are a lot of fun things to do, it seems that we have been in this college for a mere days, not years and when something like boredom or exams or presentations or assignments and so on and so forth comes up college seems like a long dusty path that we have traversed and still have to traverse. Lovely, the way the situation moulds our thought process. I’m finally passing out after 4 long years, 4 long, painful, joyous, successful, regretful, surprising, predictable, lovable and despicable years. People ask me what will I miss most about this place (well not people, but persons) this put me in a bit of a spot, and I’ve realized that over the past 4 years I’ve missed a lot of things: my home, my innocence, my seniors, sometimes even myself. But what I will miss most will be the constant motion that this place brings with it, whenever we thought, it couldn’t get any better, it did. And whenever we thought, that it could not get any worse, promptly, it did. Writing this I’m suddenly overcome by a million thoughts, some pleasant and some disturbing and I’m unable to continue in the same vain. How would I summarize those thoughts, maybe with this line which I said in a class not that long ago “Life (college) is a constant struggle, everyday it will beat you down to a pulp and then it is up to you to pick yourself up and ask for more. Never backing down (another film title).” Man this place gives a person a love for the movies and series, and for a little more adventurous people; Anime (Japanese cartoons). These are the things that have kept us alive over the past 40% of the decade (please note my clever use of percentages; thank you). All this apart, I remember a short little something that I had written about this place when I was in the first year, now when I go through it all, it comes across as an immature, brutal yet honest assessment of this college by a freshie. Man, I’ve lost my brutality. In this respect as a person I have matured beyond my years, but one statement in that little paragraph which holds so much truth even today was that JUIT offers unlimited pain in love, but suffering is optional, according to the management. As compared to many of my batch mates I have had absolutely no luck in love but this has given me a new outlook on life, HUM HONGE KAMYAAB, I’m hoping and someday I will succeed. There is a very popular line in technical circles, that engineering colleges have 2 types of people a. Mard and b.Non- Mard. Very much false I have seen so many pretty faces here that I thank god every day that I came to JUIT to study, thinking about it, this was said by Palash Sen(Euphoria), I also loved his joke about the barrier between boys and girls at Le fiestus ‘08 being a contraceptive. At least someone can see the humour in it otherwise all the people here take themselves too seriously. Talking about people taking themselves too seriously, recently the university was host to an art of living course which caused quite a stir in the normal lives of us hostellers with so much enthusiasm flowing I was being my typical and very magnificent, cynical and sarcastic best, to the point where I told a friend that you eat, you sleep, you breathe hence you live. True that I don’t really think that there is any art in living but this is again a symbol of the constant change that is happening I certainly could never have imagined that there would be any such sort of thing here. I have seen a lot in my time here, the highlights would be the freshers at our time which got delayed over and over again, all of the JIIT noida fest that I attended and won a lot, the pseudo strike in our 2nd year, the 3rdth year fight last year(not really proud of it), the placement time when we were so scared but pretended that we weren’t, and now in the 4 year wishing that I could relive it once more. To my juniors whom I have seen go from scared little things in their 1 year to self confident mature people and most of all friends which I know I have made for life, thanks to them this highlights package called a college life had so many ups and downs. A toast to my enemies whoever you might be, because my stature increases with the stature of my enemies may you live well. Now that I have said all of this, I’m really not a fan of talking without saying anything so I’ll just say, remember the part in the beginning of this article, that it won’t be about remembrance and blah blah blah, well folks I lied, deal with it. This article is called memories of nobody because nobody is perfect and I’m nobody. No actually it is called memories of nobody because they are not the memories of any one person they are memories of many and thus no one can claim them as their own so the memories of nobody dedicated to all who made them come true. Tearing your hair out, my mission here is done. To leave all of you I would quote a few lines from my favorite band u2 “all that you fashion, all that you make, all that you build, all that you break, all that you measure, all that you deal, all that you count on your fingers and all that you steal. Leave it behind you gotta leave it behind, walk on” and in the end you have to leave it behind and walk on. Love you all.


  1. wow...nice work dude!!!
    though the title is stolen from bleach movie... but i appreciate the whole work u did...
    u'hve represented yours as well as others life in a such an awsome "5 point someone" yaad aagayi....Mr. Hari Kumar....

  2. Good work bro!! Really nice article and suits the title of your blog, really sublime!! U made me recall the time when i was writing an article for our alvida!! Its difficult to write one for the year book as thats the time when we recall every single moment of our JUIT life and on the other hand This life is about to end!! I really miss those beautiful JUIT days!!

  3. well i still remember the time when i first read it and tears rolled down my cheeks...these four years ve been amazing and painful as well n ur article reminds me all of it....u ve really done a great job..good that u write so well...bhudape me kuch kaam to hoga tumhe...anyways keep writing always as we would love to read some more good stuff......good luck

  4. heya there..nice wrk ya..i agree budhape mein koi kaam hoga aapko..though i dnt think i itnaaaa love or will eva love juit bt still nice wrk..cheers!!

  5. these memoires of nobody are realy stirring.
    dada, ur work has always bee ny favourite and this is another attachment to that!
    nehow, im realy sure when i complete my engineering, and if i ever am able to write as god as you do, il only write some sibling of this text. this actually made me realise so many things that i had never realised earlier. 40% of the decade that u spent here, im realy thankful to it. because of it, im writin this comment now!
    ossm work the coming 20% of a decade, even im gona write sm more stuff!! look u just inspired somebody...:)

  6. Hey Varun...
    You made me relive all the four years again!And the memories of them make the nostalgia sink in even more. Its an awesome and applaudable job done by you. There was a time when I sat to write for Alvida, with a conflict in my mind that would I miss JUIT for the wonderful friends it gave me ...or the realms of depth it possesses. The cheers or the silence.The comradie or the aloofness!! Your bundling of words, the satire it holds and the irony it unfolds have together done an amazing job.
    Keep writing,

  7. Hey varun,
    u knw i've always given this side of u a Headsup always coz it actually describes u d best. u knw u write well but even then, i'd like to tell u dat u almost made me relive those moments of pain and happiness i've dealt with in JUIT. there wasnt even a moment i could bare to look away from the post until it reached d end. ur writeup here is truly commendable and i actually in love wid made me miss u guys u guys and im looking frwd to d u'd better be u always.. Moushmi mam

  8. As I was reading your memories, wait, rather your memoirs I was feeling the gravity of your love for the 4 years spent at JUIT. And when today I was rereading it before posting this, I realize how much college impacts all and the role it plays in making you who you are.
    BTW, apologies for the lateness, yet better late than never. Missing you already here..


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