The Enigma: Woman

The subject of my newest blog entry is something that has a hold over not just me but more than half of the world's population, and is about the other half of the world's population. There is just something about the fairer sex that continues to haunt the sleeping and waking dreams of us menfolk, epics have been written by our sheer infatuation with these venusians, and yet we are no closer to solving the conundrum of the 'woman' than disproving einstein's theories, on second thought we might be closer to disproving Einstein than understanding women. They excite, repulse, love, hate, torment, care, breed jealousy, inspire friendship, create longing, fuel desires, bring out the animal within or tame the beast, and we have been at their beck and call for millenia. They can make you feel like you are the centre of the universe and in the next second you could be made to feel like an insignificant speck of dirt on her shoe, the passions that a woman can evoke are unmatc...