The Enigma: Woman

The subject of my newest blog entry is something that has a hold over not just me but more than half of the world's population, and is about the other half of the world's population. There is just something about the fairer sex that continues to haunt the sleeping and waking dreams of us menfolk, epics have been written by our sheer infatuation with these venusians, and yet we are no closer to solving the conundrum of the 'woman' than disproving einstein's theories, on second thought we might be closer to disproving Einstein than understanding women. They excite, repulse, love, hate, torment, care, breed jealousy, inspire friendship, create longing, fuel desires, bring out the animal within or tame the beast, and we have been at their beck and call for millenia. They can make you feel like you are the centre of the universe and in the next second you could be made to feel like an insignificant speck of dirt on her shoe, the passions that a woman can evoke are unmatched, unparalleled, peerless, unrivalled or in simple words like no other. Man can capture cities, oceans, countries, glaciers even space but a being as simple as him is beyond his comprehension.
These words might sound like the musings of a lovestruck little puppy or those of a hormonal teenager, i'm neither of those, maybe a little of both, a more accurate expression would be "a serial fantasizer of women," but it is the truth and i'm not really ashamed of it, there is a reason that they are the fairer sex and that is because they are god's better creations and if not worshipped they must surely be revered because without them life would be really mundane and unsexy, something about only men inhabiting this planet gives me the proverbial shivers. Homer said of Helen in the iliad "Fairer than the evening air clad in the beauty of a thousand stars" and i daresay an evening like that would never have elicited a similar response from homer or for that matter Paris, the greek queen's lover.
But i'm not here to harp on and on about cause and effect and i'm also in no mood to give all of you a lesson in history, though i'm tempted to but i won't i will not be speaking anymore of Helen, Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette,Draupadi,Hermione(of shakeaspeare not JK rowling) but rather i shall be writing on what i find beautiful in a woman. You see everything about a woman i love, i love their eyes: crinkled in amusement, wide with surprise, full of love or burning with hatred but their is something about the way they cry, i really understand now why Enrique said "i don't know why, but i love to see you cry" something about a woman crying is really beautiful. I love their hair long like a cascading river falling from a mountain changing its path, hiding, shimmering, teasing, fulfiling and their hair short exposing and framing their perfect faces, i love the nape of their necks a thing of such beauty that i'm struck absolutely by it. The shape of their face and how it moves so elegantly tilting from side to side while speaking, laughing. The grace of their necks as the taper gently into the torso and how it rests on the beautiful support of the twin collar bones. i love their perfectly rounded shoulders and their tiny ineffectual fists(though some of these girls do hit pretty hard). How the nape of their necks widen to the shoulders and then gently curves like a mountain path into their waists(which can usually be held in one arm, usually). The radiance of the ridges of her spine as it moves across her back. But nothing has captured the imagination of man like the bosom of a woman, from shakeaspeare to modern day filmmakers all seem to be obsessed with it and i can understand the madness behind them for they are the epitome of being a woman, that and giving birth. And oh i so wish that i could describe in detail the sheer delectability of the curves of a woman but that would require me to write a tome, for which i'm not prepared, but the most beautiful aspect of a woman is her smile, the curve of the lips that sets hearts aflutter and tears hearts asunder. One could spend a lifetime making a woman smile and it will be a life well spent.
There are many arguments against what i have just written but let me just say this is what i think personally i don't endorse this view nor ask anyone else to believe it. Just that even if i were a girl i know i would have still loved girls.


  1. really a work which could only be done by our very own varun da....only he could understand and describe a woman without missing any color of her....
    it ws pleasureful work..
    but i was unable to understand why men like woman crying??

  2. it is not men but me who thinks the crying is beautiful...but thank you for the appreciation

  3. varun..dere's jus no qualm abt u being sch an incredible playwright... i jus loved d way u'v elaborated a woman's magnificence ... the undefined beauty ...d charisma dey hve...d tenderness dey hold...u'v expressed it flawlessly...n its ur time..varun u shall wait no mre...gurls gona haul ech other back to reach upto u ;)

  4. thank you sakshi i hope these women come find me sooner rather than later...

  5. now that should put an end to sakshi's "tall" claims of u being a gay [lol] but on a serious note..its alwz overwhelming to find out whats a guys perspective abt women n their own adorable ways of doing things..idiosyncrasies..or just about nething :)kudos!!


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