So Hard.

This is a simple spontaneous post written from my office (i work now), I was having a conversation with gera babu, about idealism (yes, again) , he was talking about smiling a lot, and also to challenge yourself and a lot of motivational things, and me, well if you know me barely, then you might know that i hate anything remotely preachy, but when i gave him a piece of my mind, his answer startled me, he said that this was not for everyone, it was to lift his friends who felt lost, i assure you i'm not one of those lost people, but what disturbed me was the lack of sympathy that i felt for these guys, and this put me in a contemplative mood, hence the post, that why didn't i feel any sort of empathy or sympathy for the people who are struggling with their lives, why didn't i feel the least bit sorry for the people who are existing, am i the proverbial tin-man, who doesn't have a heart, no that doesn't feel right, i feel sorry for beggars all the time and for victim...