The Delusion of Eloquence

This title has been very well thought-out, and after much deliberation and pondering, i have decided that in the joy of a new decade beginning i will start a new blog, not on blogger but rather on facebook, (it saves you the trouble of coming to my page and i can get passing comments too), though i absolutely detest doing anything creative on facebook, for reasons i will never say, i have decided that this will be the title of my FB blog, and everything here will be sarcastic or an angry rant, or maybe some tongue in cheek humour, but that is a long ways off, i am writing this today because i want to fulfil the purpose of the title, for which it was first thought of. Phew, FINALLY, to the point this is a post dedicated to all those who "think" they are profound and deep and philosophical, it is precisely why i have titled this post the Delusion of Eloquence, and this has been in part, pardon, completely been inspired by the that abominable and insipid site FACEBOOK, that has its status updates, where people post things that are so absurdly mundane that i dearly wish that the poke i was sending their way would actually poke them or at the very least slap them around the head. But if wishes were horses i would have a stud farm.

I know as i have grown older(surely) and wiser(maybe) that i have have lost a lot of my patience (strange, i thought growing up gave one more patience), now this may be due to my extreme state of sobriety or maybe just maybe, it maybe due to the absolute dearth of creativity in the minds of all those who post status messages. The message is usually spelled wrong, is phonetically absurd and is grammatically offensive. But i think i can cope with these sort of shortcomings, only if they were original or thought provoking or just plain sweet. But no, we have to go and screw a perfectly good thought with our lol's, muhahahahaha's, xoxo's, luv ya's. My patience running thin is my problem but it is aggravated like a rash by just plain bad use of english, in hundoo's words "dil mein aag lagti hai"(very aptly put). I blame all of us and even i come under the purview of this criticism, because it conflicts with one of my base realisations i.e. WHEN IN ROME DO THE ROMANS.

But let me not waste a lot of your time in this fine and beautiful new year and decade. The thing that really gets under my skin is the thought of people that by using big words and sounding ambiguous they can become profound. I pride myself in usually always getting what the writer is trying to say, though it takes time , i can usually do it, but the load of garbage that i have to deal with while sifting through my home page......., simply put "you" don't want to be in my position and the way these self satisfied bull-frogs keep it up, like they are impressing everyone and gaining respect, your ideas are so vague that even a 5 year old can poke holes into your argument. This is the one thing i like about computer science, if your argument is wrong, you won't move any further. And if i start poking holes in these pop psychology lessons, then i will be as popular as, a serial killer, or Tiger Woods. So there is no moral to the story, i hate preaching and hate being preached to, so post responsibly, someone's sanity depends on it.

*Songs mujhe pasand aate hain to main bhi lagata hoon, original nahi hua to kyaa hua, accha to hota hai*


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