To live and not exist...

The world is full of rhetoric, spouted from the mouths of wise people who in their limited wisdom try to affect the choices of those whom they deem unworthy of intellectual equality, to put this simply there is a lot of intellectual discrimination going on and it is the educated, experienced and elite who look down upon others as unworthy of their attention. This in turn sows the seed of hypocrisy where certain people look up to these "elite" for guidance and direction and get "advice" on what they should and should not do. My point in bringing about this vague and convoluted context is that there is a lot of advice going on about how one's life should be lived, if one was to believe the movies life should be lived large and grand where every moment should be savoured like a fine french magnum, and if one were to believe the "experts" life should be lived in a prioritised way, where your family, friends and yourself are a priority and not your work, money and other mundane things...

Absolutely nothing wrong with this, this is pretty sound advice coming from people born with the privilege of not slogging it out for the money but for people born into poverty, for whom life "is" lived in every moment and that every moment is the worry whether I will be able to feed my family today, for the son of a peon whose only aim is to replace his father's cycle with a car, for the girl who lost her childhood when her father died and had to grow up then and there.

The life of moments is not for these people who battle everyday and sleep an uneasy slumber every night, for whom life is the proverbial race and those who stand still shall fall flat on their faces.

But once you achieve this....then what...and that is the paradox of financial security, you don't have to run after the money but you have this big gaping hole in your life that was previously filled with the race for money and you realise that these "wise" people, albeit hypocrites, advised you correctly. the void that has to be filled and that my friends is life...any fool can handle a crisis but it takes a wise man to handle day to day life...

Mixed emotions drove me to write this, a storm of ideas and conflicting voices in my head (no, i'm not schizophrenic) made the duality of this article possible...

A very happy birthday to the Father of my favourite subject: Gregor Johann Mendel


  1. For a moment I was lost in the first paragraph, but after the second read I realized it is a beautifully written piece.

  2. I can see maslow labelled ... well, dat explains it all .. but alas there shall never be a perfect way to live life ! even if there is .. no one can ! Cheers to your pen though !

  3. @redapplecheeks: thankfully you understood is sometimes my inclination to go off on a tangent and what comes out is incoherent statements...thank you for the compliment though.

  4. @zaini boy: well when u study HR somewhere or someplace you do get this guy in...and i agree there is no best way to live this life...we are just so different...sometimes overwhelmingly same, sometimes inexorably different


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