I wish i Could fly...

Another haze of smoke clears from my face as i drag another lungful from the hokaah in front of me, i taste something delicious and look around to pass it to someone else, and all i see is strangers from a strange land, suddenly i realize i'm not in kansas anymore. These faces smile, joke and laugh, their eyes full of mirth, and i'm a stranger in their midst. I strain my eyes to see a familiar face, to see someone who is not an empty shell of existence, my gaze passes from face to face and i realise that i'm executing an exercise in futility, i break into sweat and in a most "inceptionesque" way wonder how i had gotten there, sadly it was not a dream and i had to live that moment for what it was. My sweat peppers my forehead despite the air-conditioning, i want to run from that place screaming at the top of my voice just to feel myself again, to convince myself that it is not a dream, but i control the panic and leave the smoke box to gather a precious few breaths,
again i see those faces staring at me, a smile playing on their lips, no not a smile....a smirk, yes it is a smirk playing on their lips, and then i'm reminded, one of the truest and purest memories, that this is the way a pack of hyena's look at their prey, judging, calculating, how many would be needed to bring it down, and i start to hyperventilate, the fresh air not doing its bit, the smirk still plays on their lips, moving ever closer for the kill, and i feel myself weaken, my breath coming in short bursts and the demons of hell come to drag me finally, into the depths of the inferno. I feel the terror clawing at me, i want to break off but they come ever closer, their faces not quite visible now, only a voice which says....."join ussssssssss, join usssssssssss, join usssssssssss, we will take your pain, we will give you power, join usssssssss" and through their words i see the truth, the eternal solitude that i have in front of me and the eternity of guilt, remorse and suffering.
I'm tired of fighting, tired of living this lie........

As i prepare to take this fight to its final insanity, she comes for me, wings blazing aura blinding and takes me away, i fly away from the hell from those demons, and to my own sanity i fly and i see how beautiful everything is, i drink in her aura and know that it will not last, i will be set down and then one day, the hyena's will get me and drag me down to the 7th circle of hell, despite this i fly and lose myself in the peace that i will never be able to keep, i cherish this little moment because i know my fate is to be the devil's guest, but not today........not today.


  1. "inceptionesque" ... it got to u eh ?!?!?

    strange as it may seem, there are these times when strangeness surrounds u , haunting u and eating u and u wanna run away ... fly away even .. but many a times its this very strangeness which embraces u ... loves u ... feeds u ... and its all that u want !!

    you maybe the Devils guest.. but a guest u r .. welcomed and pampered .. and dats wat u start liking.

    Beautifully scripted.

  2. @zain: thanks man for the swift response.....a devil's guest is a polite way to say slave...and i know what kinda pampering i'll get...maybe i will come to love the strangeness, but then who am i to say.....

  3. and what if you have that very devil inside u too.. and u connect ... and all of a sudden u realize u have a fellow traveler with u in this journey ..
    why a slave ??? a frend maybe .. a brother even.

  4. what man chowdhary...writing is a different thing...smthing which i need not mention..smthing i dont have to say about...its always beyond comparisons...storyteller has created yet another masterpiece!!!
    but i didn't like the feeling with which you wrote this...i just did not.always remember...A Hyena will always be a Hyena...they can pass a smirk from distance...but never dare to come close to the lion...no matter how alone the lion is...he will still be the KING...he will still be the character every damn "HYENA" is afraid of...do not loose that substance as you may be feel like on the gates of the devil...but its always your choice which will decide your fate...so feel light and let the storyteller rise up with the smoke...up in the sky...thats where you belong!!

  5. I begin with a fact( that made me :D), the angel of light(god's fire, as I see it ;) ) is named URIEL.
    *wink wink*

    Amazing work, I could see this coming but not in the way that it did. The devil lays many a beautiful traps to ensnare, the best of deals hide behind them a plethora of curses. Once you fall prey, the odds of survival diminish with each passing stroke of the clock. The key remains in holding on to those who keep you sane.
    Cruelty and vice, and little that is nice, is what life is made of. But beat the odds man, and remember, no matter how many they are, a pack of hyenas can't take down a lion!
    And isn't...the dream is to fly; Over the rainbow, so high.(Yves Larock)

  6. Oh, I notice as I was typing, Kawa Sir was up to the same, and take note how great minds think alike....

  7. i love to read that i can visualize, and i thoroughly enjoyed reading and visualizing this one. super.

  8. @zain: Brothers with the devil, hahaha...i abhor what he propagates how can i propagate the same....but maybe acceptance and steadfastness in what i believe....there is a darkness about me and i don't want to be known for that.....

  9. @vivek: hheheheheh, your words, as always charm and comfort me..thank you...and i will always look to you, whenever the hyena's circle....:)

  10. @hundoo: nice, even though i did not mean that...but am glad atleast accidently i acknowledge your contribution in my well being...and i'll keep my friends closer and enemies a nose length away.......

  11. @ankita: thank you for seeing me being encircled by hyenas

  12. @raph: anytime brother... after all we are "the" Siamese..."whats yours is mine...and what is mine will always be mine"...

  13. Reading this .. i do feel life is playing its games and showing us its hedious faces .. uncertainity is coupled with competition .. the joy, warmth and shelter of companions is no where to be found .. the lone man is in a new land with new faces hovering around like vultures.. the join us cheers are the mean and hollow houls to raise you to a stage and take all the pain while they enjoy .. be careful bhaiji .. rely on those who have been truly yours .. :D

  14. @kava: always my man...always we will be the siamese

  15. @madhur sir: hmmm...i'm truly depending on those who are mine...and keeping my enemies real close....and as hundoo and kava said....no matter how many vultures are in the sky....the lion shall still be king....

  16. @chow chow : zaroor zaroor huzoor .. !!! the lion shall indeed be the king !!!

  17. honestly, scared of those times.. infact had a nightmare few days bak, and say myself in a desert. scare, mean and foreign...


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