
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Good and the Critical

There is an oft repeated cliche "change is the only constant" and as is the case with all cliches, it is very true and i hate the sound of it. This change is a part of all our lives, the petrol prices, inflation, newer moral sensibilities, technology. You walk on the road and you will be assaulted by change from all corners and directions, the newer car model, a "baraat" band blasting away new hits, the newest fashion worn by the chic upper class and aped by the not so chic middle class. This juggernaut won't be slowed in an age of information overload. As a lazy sunday moved along i engrossed myself in the feature story of today's Hindustan Times, Men of India, it is a great insight into the psyche of the urban indian male from sex to career and changing equations in the relationships between men and women. This came at a time when i was thinking a lot about the potential of arranged marriages over love marriages. The single most damning PRO in the case of ...

The Lunacy Unites (As Quoted by Saurabh Bose)

It has been another green period in my life, getting admission into a college that most have been congratulating me about (the jury is still out on this fact), i have been working hard and this i say without any modesty whatsoever because i have worked hard at my job, but i also have to say that I have partied pretty hard too, the main reason behind this is, Kava living so close to my office and Hundoo living with him we have been partying almost every night to the annoyance of my mother, which she states very unequivocally. But i have been escaping the wrath of my mum's superior logic, by some expert evasion tactics, i feel proud to have inculcated within me. I have been enjoying the money i have earned, so yeah it is a green patch in my life, and with the batch junior to me passing out, yeah folks it has been a whole year since me and my batch left JUIT, we have been having a lot of online presence of the passed out batch, this is to be expected that they are really missing the ...

The Jester's view...

Entertain me, said the King and so the jester did, entertain the crowd, and so the jester did, entertain the princess, and so the jester did, entertain the queen, and so the jester did... till the day, a new jester came and took his place, and the old jester was lost, into the shadows, his heart filled with sorrow and pain. The sorrow became too much, and it turned to anger, the anger became too much and it turned into cynicism, and the cynical jester armed with the experience of pain came back, and he taunted, and poked holes in big egos, regaled the king with stories from the personal lives of his courtiers. till a plan was hatched to silence the jester once and for all, and the assassin climbed to the jester's room to find him waiting... waiting and wanting.....wanting death....wanting to die....and he said "i lived for everyone, and when everyone was through i was alone, i was the best, and now i'm just one of the rest, used and thrown again and again, till i can't...