The Good and the Critical

There is an oft repeated cliche "change is the only constant" and as is the case with all cliches, it is very true and i hate the sound of it. This change is a part of all our lives, the petrol prices, inflation, newer moral sensibilities, technology. You walk on the road and you will be assaulted by change from all corners and directions, the newer car model, a "baraat" band blasting away new hits, the newest fashion worn by the chic upper class and aped by the not so chic middle class. This juggernaut won't be slowed in an age of information overload. As a lazy sunday moved along i engrossed myself in the feature story of today's Hindustan Times, Men of India, it is a great insight into the psyche of the urban indian male from sex to career and changing equations in the relationships between men and women. This came at a time when i was thinking a lot about the potential of arranged marriages over love marriages. The single most damning PRO in the case of ...