The Jester's view...

Entertain me, said the King and so the jester did, entertain the crowd, and so the jester did, entertain the princess, and so the jester did, entertain the queen, and so the jester did... till the day, a new jester came and took his place, and the old jester was lost, into the shadows, his heart filled with sorrow and pain. The sorrow became too much, and it turned to anger, the anger became too much and it turned into cynicism, and the cynical jester armed with the experience of pain came back, and he taunted, and poked holes in big egos, regaled the king with stories from the personal lives of his courtiers. till a plan was hatched to silence the jester once and for all, and the assassin climbed to the jester's room to find him waiting... waiting and wanting.....wanting death....wanting to die....and he said "i lived for everyone, and when everyone was through i was alone, i was the best, and now i'm just one of the rest, used and thrown again and again, till i can't be used no more, so one last time i made, i went ahead and insulted one and all and then they hate and despise, the hypocrisy is clear as day yet all are blinded to it, so i will make sure that no one forgot what they did, and what happened to deserve humiliation is what they have proved....." and so he took his knife and plunged it in his breast...and so died the jester, who outlived his usefulness and came back full circle....

This boiling hate consumes me, i want to lash out at everything and everyone that is hurt them, to make them suffer, to make them feel a quanta of pain that i hold inside...........but the dam holds stronger than ever.


  1. Raphael .... i m concerned now ... wat made u pen this down ??? its surely not gonna come out here ... whatever it maybe .. brother, this thing is serious .. i may like it or even love it ... but who the hell r u kidding ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  2. My first reaction to this is two-pronged, and that both parts are equally relevant and valid shall be made clear by the words that follow; as an abstract piece of sublime creativity this particular work takes the bar and sets it at olympus itself...congrats raphael! On d other hand the reason and inspiration behind this work are a cause of deep concern, perhaps not to you but to people like zain n me..hence look forward to a heated chat asap.. Lastly, a few words to the dead jester, may his soul rest in peace, d world doesnt care no matter how much you keep giving it..d voracious appetite shall remain un-assuaged no matter how assidously u cater to it..this too is cynicism just not suicidal..think over it..

  3. @Zain: brother i'm kidding no one, you donot have propriety over these emotions, i felt this way so i wrote this way
    @hundoo: it is nothing i can't handle


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