To live and not exist...

The world is full of rhetoric, spouted from the mouths of wise people who in their limited wisdom try to affect the choices of those whom they deem unworthy of intellectual equality, to put this simply there is a lot of intellectual discrimination going on and it is the educated, experienced and elite who look down upon others as unworthy of their attention. This in turn sows the seed of hypocrisy where certain people look up to these "elite" for guidance and direction and get "advice" on what they should and should not do. My point in bringing about this vague and convoluted context is that there is a lot of advice going on about how one's life should be lived, if one was to believe the movies life should be lived large and grand where every moment should be savoured like a fine french magnum, and if one were to believe the "experts" life should be lived in a prioritised way, where your family, friends and yourself are a priority and not your work, mo...