As the Phoenix burns...
We close another year of our lives and brace ourselves to welcome the new one, all i can see is the impending arrival of the year of reckoning,. This will be my last year of study (fingers crossed :p), and i shall begin in earnest my professional life. which will be my identity for the next, i don't know, 20 something years and this will be if the worst comes to worst. My dreams are known to those closest to me, and if you don't know them, then maybe i haven't found it in my heart to tell you. Ask me and i shall tell you...or maybe not. I sincerely hope you would find it worth your while to keep in touh with me and if not, i really really hope that i will want to keep in touch with you. Infosys BPO was kind enough to want me and i shall keep my intention of being with you, barring an offer which literally blows my mind... This year brought its trials and tribulations and looking back i think i have acquitted myself well. Resolutions for the new year: Be kinder to m...