The Fruit of our Labour

Circa 28th December, 2011
With the placement of the 24th of us and a dear friend at that, we have traversed a great length in this action packed 2 months. I have seen personal highs and personal lows, i have seen the deserved go unrewarded and the undeserved being felicitated. I have braved grave colds, closed up throats, shortage of manpower and the odd recruiter who insists on showing up 30 mins before her scheduled arrival, without notice. I have seen joyous elation and i have seen dejection, i have seen sorrow so grave that even tears could not escape and i have seen happiness overflowing happily through eyes. I have seen made up thank you's and i have seen heartfelt silences. I have been sad when all were happy and been happy when all were sad. I have seen my teammates go from being the Harlem Globetrotters to the Ghatkopar Karamchari association XI back to being Barcelona. I have seen advice flowing thick, fast and hard with their acknowledgments equally vigorous. I have seen bemused expressions thrown about, innumerable cigarettes being smoked (majorly by only 1guy, yes i'm looking at you Kushalwati), uncountable tea's consumed, epic upon epic discussions from HR strategy to Atul and what makes him Atul (:p sorry had to do that).

The reason i'm writing this is because we've had one of the most enviable placement seasons in the recent history of MHROD, and i hope that we as a team have performed to the people's expectations. If not, well we are not looking for any affirming voice. Yet what disturbs me most is some of the feedback that i have gotten regarding the course, and what disturbs me further is the question that one of our esteemed alumnus asked me.

"What are you doing on a personal front, to make that condition better?"
It is a biting, stinging question and one that seriously needs to be thought over. 
My fellow MHRODians Iam thinking, and i need you to think too.


  1. We think, we wonder, we contemplate, but remember; it's action that speaks louder than words...
    Well written Borun Da!!!

  2. Actions shall always speak louder than words,
    as i said "A thunder of dragons can only be experienced, not described"


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