They are Rockstar's: Yeah, That's them

5 years since i first met these guys, call me Jeet and the girl who loved chai (still does) and they finally came together to say hello to Bangalore. It was a trip of epic proportions and not in the amount of drinking these guys get through, it was epic because they came to have fun and boy did they have it.
Wednesday, auri da came in and all hell broke loose. Now, the thing is that my levels of inertia are pretty high (just ask the people i live with) but auri da came and that was the impetus to some very uncharacteristic work that i put in. From coordinating various meet and greets, to managing accidents (i'm looking at you auri). From epic bike rides to climbing mountains, from grocery shopping to cooking heart-stopping (literally) eggs. I pulled out all the stops for these guys. Thursday came and i welcomed dumroo and i'm unabashed at saying that this is the most beautiful girl in the world with her favourite line "main nahi khel rahi". She brought some amount of sanity to the debauchery, yet we managed to get her into some of the fun as well.
It was what I always imagined a great life to be and they came and we had a sublime time. These fleeting moments of joy are what keeps us going and i guess i'll be going on for a bit now.
Yet with all such trips, there needs to be a checklist
1. Dry day issues and checking out Bangalore's top haunts. Check.
2. Catching a movie, Dostana style. Check
3. Sleeping early to go for an early morning trek, still waking up late. Check
4. Managing to get to the trek. Epic bike ride. Climbing that mountain. Check.Check.Check.
5. Coming back sore and aching, still managing to go out. Check
6. Its Hammered time. Check.
7. Accidents managed. Check
8. Cooking my notorious Chotti diwali omelettes. Check
9. Conversations. Jokes. Magical Moments
(not the vodka...please). Check. Check. Check
10. Promise of more to come. Under Process.
Theme Song: Rockstar (Ohhh...Samjho)
PS: They met ginger and the rest is history.
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