Agley Mod pe Maut Khadi Hai, Marne ki bhi kya Jaldi hai V.20

"This year, feels like my year: hopefully, much more to write when this blog comes around next time. "

These are the words that i wrote on my blog last year. Seems ironic, that in such a content rich year - i created some content of my own.

It was a peculiar year to say the least - unforgettable, unprecedented, amazing can all be used to describe what we went through last year. But, as this is a hedonistic pass time, started over a decade ago i shall be majorly selfish and share what caught my fancy.

Gera babu: (See, another mention right at the top) So Gera Babu, i have a gripe with Facebook. They have shut down notes of Facebook and along with it my tradition of posting this on Facebook notes. It was a journey which was epic, "The Delusion of Eloquence" was my rage against the dumbing of interactions across the world and we have seen a steady decline since. But, it came to a rather fitting end, one never imagined. Sometimes it made me feel like an old guy on facebook, using features people don't care about. But, now its time for this blog to make its entry on Stupendouslysublime.

Now that my customary interaction with Gera babu is over. Monumental news awaits.

This is my first post as a married man and boy, writing that felt weird. I took my time, she took hers - we aligned and now we are synchronizing. Which broadly means, in the middle of COVID cases exploding in Delhi, with a government cap on people gathering, paranoia, whatsapp exploding with doomsayers, intense discussions on whom to invite and whom to send regrets, people declining our invitations left, right and center. Me and my sweet tied the knot*. Despite all the hullabaloo, we are now one.

*A quick side note, there are quite a few knots that are tied during the ceremonies, which present many interesting challenges later.

A little bit more about my sweet - I think she is like sparkling wine - energy and passion just waiting to explode. Her determination is ferocious and her resolve is unwavering. But, she is also a kid - hurt by knee scrapes or thoughtless words. The thing about loving so much is that you are open and susceptible, but she still does it, she still braves that. I know, i'm not the most easy of persons to live with but she is making a good fist of it. 

Also, apparently all my clothes are useless (kaale kaale dull kapde pehante ho).

COVID happened, its been talked to death. Cases and cures. Victims and Vaccines. Social media hysteria.

But, what also happened was that, those that did not have to fight for their lives and livelihoods had something new - time. Time to talk, time to sit and reflect, time to not be in a mad circular rush to be somewhere. It was like a slow descent into ourselves, getting to know us and be uncomfortable with who we were. For the first time in years, i felt like we were not being constantly sedated by a sensory overload, for the first time we could feel stuff in the quanta that it was supposed to be felt. A lot of people found their demons, a lot found redemption. We can switch off, it just takes the gumption to do so.

So, onto the little things that make a year memorable.

- Grandmother turned 100, she is older than Queen Elizabeth. To the centurion, Ave.

- Lost my other grandmother - that was a heavy hit. She was the kindest person i had ever known - that broke me a little inside (but its such spiderweb of cracks that one more doesn't matter)

- Now I am a proud mamashree, thank you Chottu. 

- Lots of lads are queuing up after a glut of lasses - my congratulations to all the proud fathers and mothers.

- My family got a WHOLE lot bigger - such warm caring folks, with their own 6 foot club. Thank you for welcoming me with such zor-shor.

- Went across the length of the country in a car - 2 friends - the trip of a lifetime.

- Taught my mother how to use Zoom, Excel, Word and other things that i never thought i could teach

- Had a long distance relationship, grew and then shaved a magnificent beard (trust me, it was really magnificent. Its stupendousness was sublime).

- Learnt how to Service an air conditioner

- Now will always look forward to 29th Feb

- Ran my first 3K, 4K, 5K and 6K in the space of 2 months - got into some sort of shape for my wedding

- Got a super scare that i have COVID (phew, bach gaya)

- Had my bachelors in Ranthambore - iconic lads the lot of them

- Shopped the most in my life

- Spent the most in my life

- My love is by my side (priceless)

- A lot of my friends made it to my big day - thank you

- A lot of my friends couldn't - Koi baat nahi, but kabhi mil jaana

- Spent a year at home

- Life is not as straightforward as it seems, but it's not as complicated as it seems either, so just keep moving. I know it sounds easy to say, but what else can we do. To my amreekan girls - Prati, Mutts, Lizee, Anku.....keep flying that flag high.

I always say that Agley mod pe maut khadi hai, marne ki bhi kya jaldi hai.....but in 2020, it was right around the corner. So, this time with all the love i can muster.

Agley mod pe maut khadi hai, Marne ki bhi kya jaldi hai.

Raphael out.


  1. Damm i had no idea FB closed notes, but it was anyways overrated.. If you are good at it people should reach you and your blog not other way around! You can always post a status with link.
    But love that i have been mentioned right on the top in-fact bhai rula hi daala.
    One thing I deeply regret is not being there with you when you lost you bachelorhood but i am also glad you did and that too to such an amazing person. I mean we have hardly met a fee times but it always feels like we know her so well and that she has always been a part of the group that’s how amazing she is.
    Hopefully covid will die down and soo we will all be sitting together laughing 😆
    In the end love these posts and it always feels great to be featured in it. Keep the tradition alive.

    1. Yoooo Gera babu...jaldi milte hain chotta panda se bhi

  2. I was gutted when I realized that the direct flight I took with such enthusiasm (after all who likes spending 36+ hours in commute?) will get me stuck 10,000 Kms away from an event I was looking forward to wishfully, from that epic independence weekend in 2015, and realistically from 2017 at least.

    But, I exhausted myself dancing in your baraat virtually wo bhi bina kisi entoxicant, so I at least managed to sleep that night.

    A googly of a year, well defended. A half-volley of a year, hit out of the park. Glad you had a good one.

    Raising a toast to a brighter (Sahi me kaale kaale dull lapse pehnte the), brilliant and ebullient year ahead, for you and your sweet!

  3. I was gutted when I realized that the direct flight I took with such enthusiasm (after all who likes spending 36+ hours in commute?) will get me stuck 10,000 Kms away from an event I was looking forward to wishfully, from that epic independence weekend in 2015, and realistically from 2017 at least.

    But, I exhausted myself dancing in your baraat virtually wo bhi bina kisi entoxicant, so I at least managed to sleep that night.

    A googly of a year, well defended. A half-volley of a year, hit out of the park. Glad you had a good one.

    Raising a toast to a brighter (Sahi me kaale kaale dull lapse pehnte the), brilliant and ebullient year ahead, for you and your sweet!


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