The Delusion of Eloquence: Agley Mod pe Maut Khadi Hai, Marne ki bhi kya jaldi hai V.23

Its a pit stop. I'm acutely aware that this year, I did not write my birthday post. Sometimes in your life, life happens. It might sound like a clickbaity line, the one that keeps you interacting with the reel/short/vid/god knows what, till its end but, life did happen to me. My sweet, my life, my annoying half who hates me sleeping in late, got diagnosed with a late stage cancer. My fingers shake while I write these words a year hence. I remember the moment and the words, as clearly as if they happened yesterday. I had previously experienced those words about 22 years ago, in a similar environment. The words then were “We’ve lost him, he’s no more”; the words last year were “The test result came back, its cancer” delivered in the same matter of fact tone by the doctor. What it leaves behind is a mental devastation that a lot of people have felt, but is really hard to explain. Its usually accompanied by a ringing in the ears, a dissociation from reality where everything is acce...