Hubris- overbearing pride or presumption.

I have recently read an immensely enjoyable book by the name of Percy jackson and the olympians, it is a fantasy tale about a demi god, percy jackson who is the son of poseidon. Cutting a long summary short it is the typical fantasy, hero, prophecy, harry potteresque book. But the main crux being that it is immensely enjoyable, written wittily and with a tongue in cheek humour, the pages just flew by me and before i knew it i had read 5 books in about a week. The reason that i have written this post is not to glorify a book, but to tackle a concept which i had forgotten completely about- Hubris or pride. It is one of the seven deadly sins as identified by the church, and for a writeup on other sins do visit Pranav Hundoo's blog. But why this particular word caught my fancy was because of percy jackson and something that i had said to my mother today. " Once you make a decision, back it." yeah, i know you might think i have got a big mouth to be talking to my mother like this but she is a worrier, and always second guesses her perfectly made decision, which i have to hear about and which can be quite tedious. Thus the said line.

That pride or hubris is a fatal flaw, most of us know and we can identify it almost immediately in any person within the first few minutes of an interaction, but the most difficult part is identifying it in oneself, we can go to great lengths to justify something as not being prideful. Generating some truly ingenious reasons along the way. But the fact remains that we do ignore this and it is people close to us who usually have to bear the brunt of our behaviour and actions. I know for a personal fact that i have a lot of pride and this makes it all the more worse because i acknowledge the fact that i have a lot of pride yet do nothing about it, and there have been a lot of victims to my pride and ego namely one of my best friends, three of my favourite juniors one of my closest 'girl' friends(obviously i won't be naming them, if you want names then read a gossip column), but this is my flaw, atleast one that i know of. Yet self repentance is not the aim of this exercise(see my pride gets in the way again) but remeberence is, as i'm pre disposed to do these days i spend a lot of time reminiscing about my college life and somehow more often than not, when i try to remeber the good times in depth the bad and occasionally the ugly rears its head. I remeber the fights, the quarrels, the disagreements, the shouting matches and a lot of ugly stuff. Ahhh, days of sunshine were those days, but now that i look back on them there is a huge component of pride involved. It boiled down to the fact that two huge egos were battling it out to not lose face. And my friends will see exactly what i mean when they look back on these issues.

Which i sincerely hope they do because without learning from the mistakes of the past, we are but going around in a circle doing the same things. And Aaamir Khan said in his ad "Auron ki mistakes se kya seekhna, make your own," the point being that do learn from your mistakes when they happen. And a classic example of hubris from my side for a statement that was: Every realtionship needs a lot of compromise, you cannot have your way all the time.
To which i said-When a realtionship becomes a compromise to keep your pride, what then?


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