The Reflection of Genius...

This is an entry after 1 and a half months, it has been a tumultuous 45 days with a lot of exhilarating feelings, a little heart break, a lot of naughtiness, and a feeling of content no my friends i'm not speaking of the IPL, though i would love to slam the naked marketing and advertising bandwagon, but i won't, March has been the month that has seen me work, and work, and work, and then when i'm out of it, work some more. Though according to my manager(boss) what we are doing is not really work until we spend days in office. yeah right! This virtual mountain of work, it is virtual, has made me realize that when you deliver people expect more, and then you deliver more then the expectation moves exponentially, it is not until you disappoint somebody, that the level of expectation regains some sort of sanity, and this brings me to my topic, what is genius...

It could be a 16 year old walking in on a cricket field against some of the most hostile fast bowlers in the world, it could be a stocky short man talking with his feet and making blithering idiots out of the mighty Germans, it could even be a person who against the wishes of his own country just to prove his mettle went out to meet the checkered challenge of the enemy. It could be, what is genius, the saying goes "Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration," Dhyan Chand said genius is 99% inspiration and 1% perspiration. Which would you find more apt, the words of a poet talking about genius or the poetic words of a genius.

The fact is that to become a genius one has to phenomenally dissapoint, and then rise up from that misery to the vindication that one truly deserves.

The rise to the top on the shoulders of others is swift,
The fall to the bottom among smug smiles is sure,
To pick up your bleeding carcass from the bottom and inch back to the top, that is true Genius...

P.S this topic came to me after watching the display pic. of Palak Sethi
There is the Genius of talent, Genius of Thought, Genius of action and then there is the genius of hard work...


  1. a little heartbreak .... now whats dat supposed to mean ??

  2. 'Truly genius' is what comes to me the moment I read it. Beautiful words and conviction are the 2 things that stood out in this particular edition.
    On a personal note, I believe the little break (:P) in JUIT was enough to make up for the ton of work you've been shouldering.. ;)

  3. @hundoo, no man, i was carrying the load of my work even there, and this post was pathetic, i can feel it, so no need to find good in it....


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