I Smile...

Sadly this will be a pretty short post, my regular feature of long, boring, drawn out, self indulgent, self obsessed rants will resume shortly. There are 2 types of death:-
- Sudden and violent/peaceful
- A long drawn out affair where everyone dies a little every single day
You see i'm writing this because very very recently i went to see my brothers and our joint (sort of) dog Vendy, now the joint custody has a pretty long story so concisely put, i raised her, they have taken care of her since. She is the most wonderful dog, case in point even my mum lets vendy lick her. So whats the problem, hmmmmm, she is about to die. The last time i saw her was about an year ago she was hale and hearty, albeit turning old, her eyelashes were turning white and her coat was changing from stormy grey and white to a darker sunset gold. I had thought about this then, but i put it off for later, but this time that i saw her it was a completely different Vendy, all her fur has fallen off, her wounds are not healing and most upsetting of all, she doesn't have any energy anymore. That's when the realisation hit me, she is about to die. Even as i write this i remember all the times that she made me smile, and with a sad face and a very heavy heart I'm preparing to say one of my saddest goodbye's.
"Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back-Marcus Aurellius to Maximus Decimus Meridius"
lucky you..for whatever duration, you'd a pet...I've been longing for one as long as I can remember...God bless Vindy..
ReplyDeleteOye she's not Vindy, she's vendy....and yes i'm happy for whatever time we spent together...i'll miss her...