My First Step towards Corporate slavery

To all my friends, i have spent the last hour using my considerable talents to write something that will eventually curb my free spirit, destroy my cognition and remove all originality from my thought process, i have used the most precious gift of my life to start something that will eventually destroy my life. Cheers for i begin my foray, competing with 42 of the best minds in the country for a goal that will lead to my slavery...Into that hell of corporate life my father let my mind awake

Consulting and the Light Bulb
A consultant (from Latin: consultare "to discuss") is a professional who provides professional or expert advice
Light Bulb: “The incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe makes light by heating a metal filament wire to a high temperature until it glows. The hot filament is protected from air by a glass bulb that is filled with inert gas or evacuated”
This is a standard definition that I copied from Wikipedia, which was the first link provided on Google, thus I have used 2 of the most widely available and versatile resources available to man, because to the common man these are the consultants, subject matter experts of a staggering quality (who don’t charge anything) and depth, almost answers all the daily and sundry questions.
The reason I have started with a definition of these two separate entities is to build a context for what I will say subsequently, because a foundation is needed to begin any consultation, massive or menial, and the most complex of problems have humble beginnings.
The light bulb, a thing of such beauty, of such simplicity that it is hardly remarkable, of such utility that life cannot be thought of without it, the staggering knowledge that Thomas Alva Edison took 9999 tries before he perfected the model and such was the influence of his invention that Edison is rarely remembered for anything else, the fact that he invented the phonograph, motion picture camera and several other devices, he still and will always remain synonymous with the light bulb.
A light bulb’s strength is its simplicity, and that is what a consultant’s strength is as well, the ability to study highly complex symptoms, to cut through the mire and hullabaloo surrounding a situation and to reach the cause of the symptoms and to advise regarding the solutions in a simple manner so that maximum understanding is achieved and the time the client spends with a consultant is productive, conducive and minimum. To take an example from history, Chanakya was a great political thinker, economist, strategist and confidante of Chandragupta Maurya, under the rule of Dhana Nanda of the Nanda dynasty Chanakya vowed to remove him from the throne and install young Chandragupta there in his stead, the strategy he followed was one of attrition from the nanda empire, where the areas away from the core of the empire were converted, conquered or eliminated and consolidated to slowly wrest away power from the incumbent. The simplicity of this strategy was that it was learned from a bowl of porridge, where the sides grew colder first and then the bulk of the porridge grew cold.
The light bulb’s utility is amazing and thus a consultant’s utility is also vast in the types of project he undertakes, from advice on how to make a process better to designing the UID program of India, from the geographical manpower planning of the substations of Maharashtra, to the organizational restructuring of a medical research body, consulting provides answers to all sundry and gigantic problems. The leverage of resources to make businesses better, to make education better, to make anything conceivable better, that is the utility of consulting. Subutai the greatest general of Temujin (Genghis Khan), made the Mongolian cavalry archers the most feared cavalry ever, because of the leverage of the simple fact that the Mongolians spent their lives on horses, herding cattle.
The light bulb stands for many things and much can be derived from its characteristics, but the fact is “A light bulb removes darkness; a consultancy removes doubts and opens opportunities”

You know what, i don't blame you for not reading this...its crap anyways.


  1. Brilliant, as usual, but that's beside the point. This one was way more subtle than the usual blunt knife, yet it cut through the illusions that surround the phrase Corporate Slavery. No matter what way one looked at work, this was a game changer, at least for me!

    P.S: The previous comment was longer and better but blame it on the 3 bottles of Buds and 2 lil MaryJ's i cant remember half of it, but the feelings were like this only... :P

  2. @hundoo: it couldn't be blunt, my selection depends on the yellow text...cheers...

  3. Sooperb Varunda!! One of your better posts, because i love examples from history. Although i noticed that besides the title "Corporate SLAVERY", the post was very unlike you. Sarcasm is your forte but this one was way more polite than the other bullets that you have fired.

    I suggest instead of your resume, present this to your recruiters, if they are intelligent enough to comprehend the article, they'll hire you :) Best wishes. Cheers!

  4. Few things i noticed...
    you wrote this while aunty was watching must have applied for UID finally...
    Did u get placed in GE as a consultant??? o.O

  5. @Aditya: Thank you soo much and i wish that only my literary skills were enough to convince the selection panel...
    Yes i agree this is very polite and that is so unlike me, this is for an organisation and politeness is expected if not preferred (read between the lines here)....thanks again and i hope johns hopkins is awesome

  6. @Beyond milestones bhaiya: you couldn't be barking up a tree more wrong:
    1. i wrote this around 11:30 in the night with only me...
    2. I have not applied for the UID, this is one of the most coveted projects for any consultancy worth its salt...
    3. DUDE, GE does not do consulting...

    BAHUT wahiyaat baat karte ho..


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