The Fruits of our Labour

4th November, circa 7:00 pm
The tension was palpable, you could have cut it into pieces and served it if it were any thicker, lets say by god's grace or by god's wrath, i was not in such a situation. But, all around the tension, the wait, the expectancy was lying thick like a blanket of fog, and in that fog sitting like a fool was I, the sheer emotions getting to me too.

This state above describes the scenes of the first company on campus, 4 people from my class got placed, they had the odds in their favour, and the thing with odds is that sometimes the high odds lose out too. The result was sounded out in a very pseudo funny manner, i mean take a hint from the faces of the students lady, they are not there to joke. The co. was a highly coveted one and as an MHRODian am proud that it came to our campus. What makes me even more proud was the fact that one of the selected was indeed a dark horse, the underdog (which reminds me of the kasabian song: "See the crowd loves a fighter, a winner to fall") and his was the victory that was greeted with the most vigorous applause, which should explain everything.

On that evening i saw all the ranges of the human emotion, anger, sadness, elation, joy and the warm fuzzy afterglow (agreed its not a certified emotion, but i saw it), now that we have 4 offers, its time to get 39 more, because this was the job that we were being groomed for, for the past 1 and half years, our low knowledge, our embarrassing attendance and our rarely seen face (just wanted to say how we have sacrificed a normal educational experience for the "greater good"). We are now seeing the result of our toil, the road is very long and we know that it will be difficult, full of obstacles and thorns, magar ladenge nahi to jeetenge kaise?

Hence, we begin in earnest to harvest the fruits of our labour.

PS: You will not be acknowledged so i will acknowledge you here, An absolutely wonderful job done by Ms. Annu Pandey, Ms. Mankiran Kaur, Mr. Pawan Dotania, Mr. Rahul Sharma, Ms. Rashi Bigghe, Ms. Smriti Sarpal and Ms. Shishira Saini (especially for her help), a jolly good show keep it up.

PPSS A wise man said on the placement day "Today egos shall be built and egos shall be deflated"


  1. Wonderfully written and thankuuu sooo much Varun..and its here that i acknowledge ur support and guidance..

  2. Its just the beginning for brighter days to come my friend :))) well written man...!!!

    P.S.: Lets all rise above the dirt!!!


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