Fun: A way of life

We have got 6 offers now, only 37 more to get and the road is getting tougher by the minute, the moral quandaries are stacking up and we don' know where to bury our heads...Well enough of reality lets now traverse the realm of my ponderings, and it is a dark place indeed. In a recent conversation with a good friend i was told that he had had enough fun to last him a lifetime and that the time had come for him to get serious about his life, and that got me thinking that is there any concept of enough fun? does this quantity exist where a line demarcates acceptable and unacceptable amount of fun? My life was such that i had to grow up a lot, very very fast and my fun life came later, away from everything and everyone in the serene hills of the Himalaya's.

Reflecting further, i was hit by only one logical conclusion, that fun is not an amount but like spirituality, fun is a way of life. Being in a state of no responsibility, having few to answer to, and doing things you are most passionate about, without reproach or condescension. There is a popular term for someone who lives like this, BUM, yup such persons who do not conform to the rules of society and live for themselves are constantly judged as being no good, ridiculed and looked down upon.

Yet this attitude of society in general, i find richly ironical, it is completely acceptable to say that your goal is to "be happy" and yet here lies the fallacy of the statement, how can happiness be a goal, when happiness is a state of mind bound by no timeline, and yet when someone is practicing his happiness and is genuinely happy, he is called a bum. My judgmental mind gave me a crystal clear solution

"Zindagi mein kuch bhi karoge, sab gaali denge"

So, fun it is, till something better comes along....


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