On the trail...

Recently, very very recently i had been to the place where my long lost dream was realised. I saw a tiger, and not just a tiger i saw a tiger cub as well. Well, apart from just tigers i saw a leopard too, and that one was the most exciting, the chase the thrill the sheer victory of having seen the assassin of the jungle. What i fell is that this is bigger than just a childish whim to see an animal in the jungle, as i sit, on the eve of my departure to another tiger destination, i can't help but wonder, is this feeling more than infatuation or is it still only my childish desires driving me. I have no idea what is it that drags me again and again to this magnificent creature's abode but it makes me feel alive in ways i have never ever felt alive. Fingers have been crossed and bags i've packed, on another sojourn we embark, the end glorious or macabre i have no thought....on another sojourn we embark.


  1. "Fingers have been crossed and bags i've packed, on another sojourn we embark, the end glorious or macabre i have no thought....on another sojourn we embark."


  2. @aditya: thank you...belatedly rhyme kar tha


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