To Die...

Welcome to the crossroads of existence: 4 ways converge and diverge from here, one is the path you have taken, and now that you have arrived you will have to choose one path, because not choosing is also a choice and that would mean your road ends there.

This is the beauty, no matter what you do you will die. One path maybe longer than the others but in the end our destination is the same no matter where we come from or what we choose. Such a ray of sunshine ain't I. So i ask you what do you think you will die from? Listed below are character flaws (???), that all of us suffer from and one or the other will define us.

  • Solitude
  • Sacrifice
  • Nihilism
  • Despair
  • Destruction
  • Intoxication
  • Insanity
  • Greed
  • Rage
and If all of the above fail...there's always "Time"

I have pondered over these for the past 4 years (on and off), and i have barely come up with an answer that would be considered comprehensive and logical. But what i have considered is that there are certain things that i would like and dislike.
I would hate to die of Greed, Insanity, Rage or Destruction.
I'm really afraid of nihilism and solitude.
I don't think that i'll despair or i'll be intoxicated enough to die.
Sacrifice would be a cool way to die (provided, that someone talks about your sacrifice (hence my fear of solitude))
Time will happen, you cannot help it, but that will be an ordinary and mundane death and that is what even Achillies was afraid not be remembered.
To not believe in anything, to not care for anything and to not feel...may that is the most fearsome way you can die, but if you don't believe in anything can you really be called human, hence can you really die????

If only i had the answer, but at least i have the question.

"And now, until this is over, I'm afraid you're going to lose the luxury of comprehension"
-Barragan Lusienbarn


  1. First reaction that comes to my mind is: "Why think about death this much?"

    Then i realize, even i think about it, not on the similar lines though. Death is certainly an intriguing phenomenon, but it's overrated.

  2. I read it last night itself but for reason known to you, my comments finds its place now...

    Death is inevitable. No matter how much you avoid it, you dont want to talk about it, or you accept it, it's always there in what S.F. says the unconscious mind...Embrace it as a part of life, and you have LIFE...

    Borun da well written. It being so heavy, makes it more special!!!


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