A Deeply disturbing and non-spiritual experience

As an  intrepid recruiter on the move for  the past month or so I have realised 2 things
1. What 18 hour workdays  mean
2. The beauty India has...

Now, I was told when joining that campus recruitment is very tough business and the travel can be  crushing and as is my usual self, i considered these warnings as gross overstatements (STUPID, STUPID), what i really should have understood it as was a massive understatement. I have not seen what my house looks like for the past months in fact my only concern while visiting (I use visiting, and not living) my house is that i have to wash clothes. Now, if we had the numbers of last year i'm sure i would not have seen my house for atleast 3 months and every single event means an 18 hour workday.
But, the questions is "Do i hate it or do i love it?"
and the unequivocal answer is that i love it...it is hard, it is fast and out of the office...

This job has some other perks apart from being rewarding in itself, it is taking me to places i did not even know existed before joining this organisation and all these places that i have been to have been beautiful in their own way and these places have had their beauties, though my responsibilities and ethics stop me at admiration. Beauty truly lies in the eyes of the beholder or the beer-holder? (jury is out on that) but the essence of this post is the deeply disturbing and non-spiritual experience that i had at Jagannath, Puri.

If there is a god, and if temples are where he is found...then god has well and truly been evicted from this place because money is the only god there.
1. If you want to do a deluxe pooja, with no hassles pay the pujari 150 rupees. If you are decently dressed they will hound you like cab drivers at railway stations. If you still don't cough up they will threaten you with dire consequences of going into the shrine without any offering. GOD will strike you down.
2. If you just want to view the idols pay Rs. 25 for the special darshan ticket, if you cannot pay then watch from 50 mts away. If you intrude the special darshan line, abuses and admonishments will come your way.
3. The Aarti thali has to be made an offering, non-payment could result in public humiliation.
4. The idols themselves have these typical pujari's sitting underneath them, their seat adorned with 1000 and 500 rupee notes.

And when i stepped out from this moneyed hell, there was no spirituality that i felt. What i felt was a deep pity for anyone who steps here for spirituality. To my theist friends step in here if you are god-fearing people, not recommended for god-loving folks. This experience just reinforced what  OMG the movie had said.  This is business...the business of faith.


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