The art of writing...

Strange, how things come to me so late at night, here i was enjoying one of the few delights in life: a great movie coming late at night (without breaks) on a weekend when i can watch it in peace and enjoy it like a fine summer wine and a beautiful movie it was, "Finding Forrester" was compelling but my thought was because of something the character of sean connery said in the film.

He said, and i'm paraphrasing here, "don't think, write....write from the heart and edit with the brain" something similar that i have read as well is "write drunk, edit sober" (this is usually credited to Ernest Hemmingway, but it is actually the creation of one Peter de Vries) which makes sense or doesn't, i don't know, all i know is that i can't write when am drunk and i hate rework so i don't edit. Thinking or better still not thinking is the key to let your instincts and emotions guide the flow of your pen while you pour yourself out onto the paper and it should gush out, like a slash to the carotid your heart should push out words like it pumps out blood and when you are finally out of all the emotions that you can bleed, you have your first draft. The mind is a limiter, it is manacled by the million and one chains of society which says do this and don't do that...conform conform conform and when you don't conform, that is the point when you say "enough" to that and start your rebellion with your thoughts and words, for they are magical things these "words" they can start and end wars, breed hatred, foster love, dismiss, embarass, exalt, charm, seduce, destroy and create. And, that is why i think we edit with the mind, to rein in the storm that has been let loose on this paper. Writers write and readers read, writers write to give readers something to read and thats the beauty of it, its that simple.

I have written something because i wanted to write. A reader will read because s/he wants to read. I know, i lack continuity and have a jarring, obtrusive lack of coherence but such are my thoughts, they move in unpredictible ways and motions and i'm just holding on for the ride, whenever i'm able to catch one.


  1. Generous with the commas, miserly with the periods. Reminds me of

  2. Because that's exactly the way I speak....long convoluted sentences....that is the chaos of my thoughts...well I'm glad to know that your feedback ends at punctuation...and a poorly taken potshot.


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