The sound of silence is deafening, i never used to put up with such cliches but after having felt it so clearly i am a believer. The sound of no sound can madden anyone and many teeter on the precipice of their sanity for a long time without falling either way (madness is like gravity). My dark brood into the inner reaches of my mind was interrupted by the wind ruffling through the bamboo thickets of Mysore DC and these magnificent plants created an auditory effect that i could not have foreseen/fore heard. The thousands of bamboo leaves (they are not actually leaves, bamboo is grass) rubbed against each other, protested the wind and created an angry voice that could rival the biggest wave crashing into the rocky shore, amazed at this likeness i sat for a moment or an eternity in that storm of white noise slowly clearing my mind of all its clutter, breathing in the nothingness and breathing out the cloud of doubt that dogs me everyday.
For those few glorious minutes i ceased to be my self and became no-one.
Alas, such beautiful moments don't last and the cloud descended again, the insane chatter of my thoughts returned to occupy my brain and i don't feel like writing anymore. I'm again what i was, from whom i want to be.
For those few glorious minutes i ceased to be my self and became no-one.
Alas, such beautiful moments don't last and the cloud descended again, the insane chatter of my thoughts returned to occupy my brain and i don't feel like writing anymore. I'm again what i was, from whom i want to be.
aaahh!! this is so're being a tease and not the good kind.