
Today after a long time, i had the opportunity to really think about where life has brought me as person, as a son, as a friend and very frankly said, i have had some very romantic ideals; friendship, loyalty being there for my near and dear ones and for a long time i have followed them as well. But, during all this time i have realised again what my cynical self had proclaimed far and loud "everyone will betray you, it's not a matter of 'if' it's a  question of when" and i don't mean in a literal sense that someone will take a knife and stab me in the back. Its a betrayal of expectations, of trust, of promises and it happens with such regularity that it somehow astounds me and  amuses me to no end.

As new people enter our lives we learn that there will always be people who will be there to spend our happy times with us and let's face it that we are in the prime of our lives, its all downhill from here folks. We take for granted our bonds of the past and think they will always be there, they will be our safety nets but safety nets also have this niggling habit of unravelling while we are busy trapezing along our high flying life. Then we slip, and fall, and there is no net, and then curse this world that everything changes all the while not realizing that we led the change and enjoyed it while we had the rub of the green.

It is a very simple question of priorities, where do you place your friends? Above your comfort or below your comfort and comfort includes money, work and time. Do you place your friends above money, work and time ask yourself this question and don't fuck about it...really ask yourself this question and then ask yourself the 2nd more important question, have my friends shown me the same value that i hold them in.

Because my friends the power in any relationship lies with the one who cares less. So, judge that value and you will have the answer as to who will have your back.

To some of my friends who have been real jerks.


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