5 Years On...

I've been spending way too much time on social media, i think it happens. A voyeuristic window into the amazing life that my friends (and acquaintances, and people whom I've met only once, and random folks who just think its a good idea to send a friend request to anyone, and people who share good meme's) have. Their awesome Roka's, pre-wedding, Mehndi, Tilak, Sangeet, Engagement, Weddings, candid, post wedding, honeymoon shoots. Followed very closely by a variety of mug-shots that masquerade as selfies, I mean to say that i find it quite intriguing to look at your skull from your best angle. Also, I thoroughly enjoy the myriad Hashtags that accompany these shots.

Spending time on social media is also an exercise in slapping my forehead several times - Of Course i want to see what happens next - I'm sure it's shocking, astounding, mind-blowing. I was amazed by somethings that claimed to be alternative facts, it makes me question everything that i have learnt so far in my life - like the biggest lie ever perpretrated is that the world is round? Wow, that just blew my mind. There are people in this world, that genuinely believe that the Earth is flat. Wrap your head around that.

Enough of this, I really got side-tracked with all the click bait I've been clicking these days.

My thoughts were nudged by a very simple feature of Facebook. Memories. Usually they remind us of what we had posted to FB on the same day in the years past. Sometimes they just bring about the reactions "Yeah, that's what that was about." Sometimes, they are so cryptic that i just can't figure out what i was trying to say. But, sometimes these memories truly bring a flood.

My memories these days are an amalgamation of farewells that we had thrown for us and for our seniors. Our times together were not perfect, far from that. But, in those moments they were, and now those memories are more than perfect. They are Grand memories.

Through these memories i relive a bit of my past, of what it was then.

But the one memory that always sticks in is the one i wish didn't show...Chakkow man.


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