Does it matter?

A mindless vessel built for consumption, endlessly pulled this way and that. Hear this, read this, did you see this. What happens next is unbelievable, all built to numb our senses and cater to our inner capitalist.Minimum effort, maximum reward. Bang for the buck. More juice than squeeze. Our world was small but not empty, our world has become large and yet so lonely.

Insta screams, look at me. Facebook goes, share on me. Twitter tweets, fight over me. Tinder stokes flames. And when did sex become as unceremonious as Netflix and chill. A generation of narcissists parading on their own stage. Its all make believe and yet it feels so real.

Its a drug, that keeps us going. We keep getting hit and keep tripping.Everybody thinks life is what we make it. I know its all a farce and somehow i know that I'm the paranoid one for thinking that its all going down the gutter. Its just that for the first time in human history - everyone can have a voice. Its just the wise are full of doubts and the ignorant full of drive.

 And here irony will die a slow death when i post this on blogger and share to Facebook.

I am them.



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