But it rained...and it was november

When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained But darlin' when I hold you Don't you know I feel the same 'Cause nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain

The title is courtesy guns n' roses and parikrama. The rain is beautiful, there is no simpler word for it, maybe copious to the not so romantic, but the rain is definitely beautiful. It reminds me of a lot of things, very random and hardly coherent the only common thought being that they are all connected to me, i was just finishing my snickers when i heard a rumble akin to the one emanating from my stomach, let us not go into the unsavoury details of my digestion, but rather, that rumbling was thunder echoing its might to all across the land as if in a challenge to any who would dare. I went outside, my nutty snickers in hand and i saw the rain pouring merrily away at all giving out its love in equal measure to all who would embrace it. I saw the late shift workers hurriedly heading home to a tasty stew and a warm bed. And i saw a drunk who was moving at his own sweet speed, bottle carefully hidden in his pocket, taken out for a swig and then replaced just as quickly. And i don't know how that made me feel, i wouldn't know. But soon My mind was racing and i was imagining myself as the drunk moving slowly in the pouring night, in no hurry to get home the only friend with me was my trusty half of royal challenge...(obviously if i were he then i wouldn't be drinking lal quila)... and as the rain peppered me i looked back upon my life with cherishing eyes , saw all my friends, saw my loves failed and not successful, and the only sound in my head was November rain by guns n' roses and the haunting image of a bride throwing the wedding bouquet and that white rosed bouquet turns into a red one falling on her own grave, the sheer poetry of that one moment and the visual eminence of that one moment replaying through my conscience as i cry searching for what was missing, but the tears flow only in the rain, and i hunch my face into my own chest moving forward with my own lazy urgency. I come back to my own senses and see that i'm in my house on my chair. As i gaze unfocused at the ceiling i remember how the good times were so far away, and the bad times were nowhere in sight i'm numb and there is nothing for me to feel... so i get up and look at the cold november rain hoping it will wash away my sloth. But it sings its own merry song that flighty temptress that is happiness, it is a mirage made to fool, there is nothing but pain...
As i walked in the rain , my mind said hello i was surprised, do brains do so, hello it said again, and i said hello back who are you he said, i'm you i said back, but he asked who are you again, with more insistence i'm raphael... Not your name dumbass, that i know, i asked a very simple question who are you... and i realised what he was asking, i thought and thought and thought, and said.... i don't know the mind radiated joy, and said finally... Its not who you are that defines you, but what you do....

And when your fears subside And shadows still remain, I know that you can love me When there's no one left to blame So never mind the darkness We still can find a way 'Cause nothin' lasts forever Even cold November rain

and on 17th november is the birthday of my dear friend my brother, aayush...happy birthday man


  1. My heart pours out to see the gentle drops of blood dropping down the aisle of the eye and fall into the valleys of the chin ....
    but then again ... it maybe, that melancholy drop of rain, turned red coz of deep love just mistaken for a tear ...
    and what more do i want, than to understand my existence ...... A reality defined by the very absence of Myself OR the presence of my work ..
    Life plays two ways ... its upto us to grab hold of the better path ....
    its upto thy self ! upto U (again myself)

  2. luv d song...luv wt u wrote sweethrt...! keep up d gud wrk...! cheers

  3. @aakriti-cheers man
    @zaini boy- waah, bada convoluted or poetic tha... thank you

  4. Haha .. its always a pleasure writing here .. infact one is compelled to ... its tough to hold back !! Cheerz to ur pen !


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