The Donkey-Horse Argument

Lordship". It was a weird talk to say the least, it started with him telling me that koko was the name of a monkey that was sent into space, i'm really sorry Kangkan but man that koko name is pretty catchy, but i digress, the fact is that he told me that a mule is born when a donkey and mare (female horse), "do it" (i kid you not this is what he said) and that he could not fathom the reason why a mare would agree or would be willing to do something like that, the point being that if a donkey has a chance with a mare, then it speaks of hope for our kind, you know the not so supermodel's, the average joe's of this world, the ordinary guy. The chance that the ordinary guy might get the chance to be with a woman, who is in another league, and this got me thinking, if 6's date 6's and 9's date 9's, why would this anomaly happen, why would a 9 date the proverbial 7 (I assume myself to be a 7, and i will not take any shit for that), and there is no logical answer that i could find, except for pure and simple "dumb luck". It is nothing but
luck and some very very fortuitous circumstances. Obviously, post initial attraction it is not, the
attraction but the person that keeps it going, but the initial "excitation energy" is so high that
most can't release any photons (figuratively speaking), there is just no way. So, i just hope for
the right radical to come along and help release the photons, pardon the pseudo science.
Another Interesting thing, His Lordship said, "The mule is always sterile, so this is nature's way
of saying, that this anomaly cannot continue", interesting to say the least, and frankly that
cannot be taken into comntext for humans, But maybe it can........
PS: A most wondrous Happy Birthday to my dearest Pratibha deserve all the happiness you get.....cheers
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