#3 Idiots go to watch the namesake

Today was a very enjoyable day as one of my bestest friends came to visit me, well not really me, he just came to attend aayush's sister's wedding, but he is staying with me so it is all the same. Hmm so where was i, ahh yes i was explaining that why today was such an enjoyable day, it began with numerous frantic phone calls to friends about their whereabouts. Which having no discernible impact except for the rapidly decreasing balance on our already meager pre-paid accounts, made us realize that all of us take our own sweet time to do anything. So Theka showed up at 4 a good 2 hours later than he had promised, but that is a small matter to what happened later.
He had repeatedly expressed his desire to watch 3 idiots today itself, and thus began a hunt for tickets that were being gobbled up like hot cakes (sorry for the weak expression it is 1 in the night, tomorrow is a very long day and it is going to start inhumanly early) but theka with his belligerence and cunning grabbed us 3 tickets, enter the 3rd protagonist of our little fairy tail, Shiro chan (who has his birthday today so a very happy birthday) who made a long and arduous journey from a far off corner of delhi to join our fool hardy endeavour, yet he being the ever good friend, game for an adventure came and started a journey that only 3 friends who have gone through hostel in an engineering college can appreciate. But now a little about the movie so much has been written about it that i must add my own interpretation to it.
The movie is great, no doubt about it. Compared to the useless shit that is thrown our way, this movie performs magnificently and then some more. But what lets me down is the second half, the first half is so good, it perfectly captures the essence of an engineering college but with a few glaring, gaping holes. When a senior threatens you it is not usually pissing on your door, it is usually a good old fashioned beat down, till your ass is black and blue and you have a lot of respect knocked into you. I don't want to nit pick so i will stop here, the best moment of the first half is the suicide of the guy who makes the flying thingy (pardon me again), for the first time in the history of bollywood a college is shown as it is, not a place where overage heroes and heroines wear designer clothes and act like 19th century brahmins, this is a true representation with the anguish, rebelliousness, and foolhardiness that characterizes the best years of your lives. The song give me some sunshine is a real humdinger, no questions asked.
And then you have to sit through the second half the melodrama runs high, the cliches start coming thick and fast, and unbelievable situations are played out. I could have made my peace with all of this but for the simple fact: AAMIR KHAN, he is the only one i could not tolerate in the movie, he is the difference between a great movie and a historic one, he is just so perfect in everything he says, does, believes so much so that i was constantly searching for a halo that might appear any second above his head. He is the only filmi character in the whole movie, him and boman irani who i feel was a bit too filmi like aamir khan.
But don't let me take anything away from the movie, an infinitely entertaining movie, sure to become a cult classic like Munnabhai.
But this was a movie which was seen by 3 idiots who see the way life is but don't really want to live by its rules.
Idiot #1: This idiot is of a very rare breed, he understands everything and then he feigns ignorance and creates misunderstanding, he is a constant tormentor of all those close to him, his argument being that argument is the spice of life. He is the one who loves his friends more than anything and he is the one who needs his friends the most, and he is a true lover of women and a sucker for women if i ever saw one. His Idiocy : His generosity
Idiot #2: This Idiot is the most passionate man that i have ever seen, He does only that, what he loves, his love for engineering is legendary, has many acquaintances but few friends, And his bad luck is legendary, historical even. He loses, he fails, he suffers the consequences of others yet this idiot soldiers on knowing that there is gold at the end of the rainbow, and if there isn't, well it was a decent trek. His Idiocy: His passion.
Idiot #3: The most flawed individual of the 3 this is the poster boy for lazy arrogance amd loneliness, he has a simple approach to life do the bare minimum to get by don't attract unnecessary attention and live a life of anonymity. But this approach fails him many times, sometimes the situation or sometimes a mentor calls his bluff. An infernal believer of what is right, and what is right for someone else, his belief is his pride and that is what hurts others. His Idiocy: His love
And 2 of the 3 idiots love this phrase: "I did not kill you because it was my job, I killed you because you had the audacity to raise your blade to my pride- Kuchiki Byakuya"
Wooo, what a review sir.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about Amir's character as you but let it go because if it hadn't been for that particular role the whole movie would have collapsed.
About the second half, yes it was too melodramatic. But in the end when Boman says to Amir that 'you don't have to be right all the time' giving him his pen and explaining why pencils won't work in space, it was then that Amir's human side(reducing the halo effect which u mentioned)was exhibited.
Keep writing such wonderful posts.
About the movie, well I'll just ctrl+c and ctrl+v from my status at FB:
ReplyDelete<<<>>> 3 words fr 3 Idiots: A fucking pain!!! The first half is light, different and pretty good... But in the 2nd half the movie nose-dives into a melodramatic torture that makes u wish for an escape that doesnt exist!
About the rest of the piece, as usual flawless save for a couple of places where the apologies have already been provided, hence I see no reason but to slide over them.
Waiting for something more intriguing though.
Some bug with Blogger took away what I wrote between "<<<" and ">>>", so here it goes:
ReplyDelete"Give me sum sunshine, Give me sum rain, I want my money back, It was Gajini all ovr again.."