Raghvi Behl's First master piece....

This has been written by Raghvi Behl and is her first serious attempt on doing something productive with her enormous talent, which she modestly does not acknowledge...but all those who are reading this do not be modest shower you praise in all its enormity-Raphael

Today i was stirred by this realization,
that life is unfair at times.
It is like a bad, spoilt friend.
who gives you happy little moments,
but doesn't care if you fall.

It will always be there to inspire you for all, good and bad,
But give it a chance, it will screw you real hard.
Still surprises you now and then,
But will never care enough to make you smile always,
It helps you realise, YOU WALK ALONE
Gives you your own share of tears.

But it inspires you too,
reminds you nothing is static.
It's really cool and can give tons of attitude.
Be nice to it!
It will teach you bitter lessons,
Test your luck
but it will hang around.

Love it or hate it, it's there for you
and like i always say....it teaches you....
that you need yourself the most in the hardest times.....

:- Raghvi


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