Life from an idealist's Point of View:- Attitude redefined.......

Thank you Gera babu, if it were not for your post and the following thought process in the replies to your comments i would never have been able to come up with this post. These thoughts have been in my head for a long time but they were morphing and mutating constantly, upto this point, now they are more gel like and moving around slower than usual.

These past few days have been some of the busiest of my life, joining HCL, sitting through almost 36 hours worth of presentations, and being brainwashed with a mental barrage of positive reinforcement, these guys are so damn peppy they would make cheerleaders look like sad, sullen and morose mannequins. What i like to hear are not far fetched scenarios of, happiness following those who have good attitudes, and having a positive mindset to create opportunities for growth, this is so cliched it makes me want to suckle at the mouth of a gun. But they are continually trying to emboss upon us their philosophy believing, in the process, that we are naive enough to accept that kind of bull shit, if it were as simple as they make it sound then suicide would be a word that we learnt only for CAT, all self help books would be going to the recyling bins, every single self help guru would be on the verge of bankruptcy and everyone would be successful...

Now that i made it sound like that it does seem far fetched and impossible, because we as a species are hardwired to not be satisfied, to be full of negative emotions over stagnation and sedentary ways of living. The day we are satisfied with what we have, mark that day friends, for i will send over your eulogy, because that is when you stop living, and don't give me a pop psychology lesson that hunger is a good thing and a positive emotion; it is not, hunger makes
you do stupid, selfish and abrasive things, breeding more negative emotions, and no positive emotion or action can bring such a negative response.

Positive attitude, what the fuck is that, people keep on saying that have a positive attitude, look at the positive side of it and what not and their favourite poster boy for this argument is Thomas Alva Edison failing 999 times and then inventing the light bulb. Friends i promise you positive attitude will, optimistically, get you to 290 times, the rest of the time, obsession is a much more potent drug, his inability to accept his failure (notice the fact that i have not used the word 'choice') was what came to his aid, not that attitude, inspirational bull crap. Friends let me tell you what they don't say about leaders, they are human beings not full of shining light but full of dark obsessive emotions that just don't fade away.
Margaret Thatcher: Insomniac, obsessive.
Eisenhower: Authoritarian
Hitler: Anti-semitic
Napolean: Over-compensating
Alexander: Questionable mother and very volatile.

The fact that the who's who of history is full of more negative emotions, that drove them to do great things, than the positive attitude a million people could gather and shine out of their asses.
Oh and I must add Mahatma Gandhi: a leader so rigid and obsessive in his belief that he drove us to our independence almost single handedly, and oh yes he didn't give a rats ass about anyone else's ideology or vision....

Try this for once, try letting go of everything positive, and let yourself be consumed by the dark side, it might not be good for you but it is the fuel that truly drives greatness......

As i just came up on Shruti Rawat's post "If you are on a highway to destruction, might as well drive a ferrari"


  1. Ah...the dark side has managed to lure you once and for all! Am I glad or what.
    Firstly, thank you for doing absolutely phenomenal justice in presenting the correct face of the darker side, of us, for us. I'd once taken up their cause with my piece on 'Envy'(July,2009). But there wasn't much of a follow up.
    Secondly, I couldn't agree more with what you wrote hence no point in discussing the content.
    Thirdly, as usual the post is amazingly crafted. 'Maestro-de-pirula'(I hope I remembered the correct spelling) is truly APT (;-]) for you.
    Finally, very invigorating and refreshing. This felt like the darkest of melted Belgian chocolate dripping over a honey-apricot brownie with half a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  2. Thank you pranav....this side has been there always just trying to break free.....but it truly came to a boil on gera babu's post....and thank you that apt word does sound pretty familiar....and it's Maestro de parola

  3. I'm not very well versed with Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, but I can tell you it's one book with immense amount of knowledge and truth, which I did not find in any other text I have come across, so far. Somewhere after halfway, Shri Krishna tells Arjun, that evrything, in the literal sense of the word is He, Himself. It means _all_ matter, _all_ souls and _all_ thoughts. And all thoughts means all good and evil thoughts. The dark side is nothing but a manifestation of the One. Also no matter how much he may have fallen, I agree with Tousen, that very few beings are pure (evil or good). Strike a balance. And as most others do, you will come out as a good, handsome marriageable bachelor :P. Or stay and fight, so that when you win, finally, you won't be jumping up and down. Because you always believed in your way of doing things (the right way (or the Dark side way, if you please)) and because you knew you were going to win. Either way, it is not your choice to be good or to be bad, you are friggin born with it. And as for the motivational stuff, I agree it's all so crappy. You gotta do what you believe in, some thing a bit above your instinct. May the force be with you.

  4. Hai shiro sensei....another very well crafted truthful is true, i'm all good and i'm all evil, i'm everything and everything is me...and i'm nothing.

  5. In the history of literature this piece goes down as one of the most controlled. Trust me i have never felt more positive than after reading this masterpiece along with watching dexter (and yes i m liking it).
    It has refreshed me to the extent that my synapses celebrate.
    I am consumed and hell yeah, I am loving it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Fcuk the +ves ..... :)


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