#3 Idiots go to watch the namesake

Today was a very enjoyable day as one of my bestest friends came to visit me, well not really me, he just came to attend aayush's sister's wedding, but he is staying with me so it is all the same. Hmm so where was i, ahh yes i was explaining that why today was such an enjoyable day, it began with numerous frantic phone calls to friends about their whereabouts. Which having no discernible impact except for the rapidly decreasing balance on our already meager pre-paid accounts, made us realize that all of us take our own sweet time to do anything. So Theka showed up at 4 a good 2 hours later than he had promised, but that is a small matter to what happened later. He had repeatedly expressed his desire to watch 3 idiots today itself, and thus began a hunt for tickets that were being gobbled up like hot cakes (sorry for the weak expression it is 1 in the night, tomorrow is a very long day and it is going to start inhumanly early) but theka with his belligerence and cunning grabbed ...